In this episode, podcast host and Paradromics CEO, Matt Angle brings together memory-researchers Nanthia Suthana (Assist. Prof. of Neurosurgery and Bioengineering, UCLA School of Medicine) and Gyorgy Buzsaki (Biggs Professor of Neuroscience, NYU School of Medicine), and scientist-entrepreneurs Dan Rizzuto (CEO of Nia Therapeutics) and Nick Halper (Co-Founder of Braingrade) to discuss memory and neurotechnology.
Like many of you I approached, and to some extent still do approach, the concept of memory enhancement with skepticism. But the conversation today is going to be a grounded one, and I think you will see that there is some real science here that can give us reason to be cautiously optimistic about the future of memory and BCI. I hope you enjoy the episode.
– Matt Angle, CEO, Paradromics
00:43 | Guest Introductions
01:00 | Nia Therapeutics
01:36 | Larry Abbott
01:42 | Eve Marder
01:49 | Michael Kahana
02:43 | Suthana Lab
03:07 | Patient H.M.
04:06 | Blackrock Microsystems
04:39 | Peter Schlecht, CEO of Braingrade
05:08 | Buzsaki Lab
05:47 | Endre Grastyán
06:06 | Case Vanderwolf
06:45 | A Brief History of LTP
07:18 | Brenda Milner
07:38 | Types of Memory
09:31 | More on “Types of Memory”
10:52 | This is how Michael Kahana thinks of memory
11:42 | Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Memory
15:15 | Principles of Neural Science
17:01 | Fundamental Neuroscience
18:25 | Memory and Distance (spatial/temporal/semantic)
21:03 | After HM’s death, the extent of the lesion was assessed histologically
21:14 | The Legacy of HM for Neuroscience
22:29 | Endel Tulving: Episodic and Semantic Memory
26:47 | Building a Memory Prosthetic
26:56 | Matthew Kaufman
27:47 | Hippocampal Replay
22:01 | 2014 Nobel Prize in Medicine: Place Cells and Grid Cells
29:09 | Time Cells in the Hippocampus
30:04 | Buzsaki on Memory
38:05 | Predicting the Future: BCI to Decode/Reconstruct Memory
42:13 | Ray Kurzweil
42:33 | Famous Bad Predictions
42:48 | Henry’s Scale: Bluebrain Predictions
44:07 | Simonides
44:16 | The Art of Memory by Frances Yates
44:23 | William James, Primary and Secondary Memory
46:22 | Reconsolidation
46:26 | Clinical Evidence of Modulating Memory
46:31 | Mark Schnitzer
47:04 | Evidence of Memory Improvement by Neuromodulation
47:57 | UPenn Computational Memory Lab Publications
48:11 | medRxiv preprint
49:12 | DARPA: Restoring Active Memory
50:22 | Verbal Recall Improvement by Stimulating Lateral Temporal Cortex
50:46 | Ojemann 2009
51:52 | Long-duration hippocampal sharp wave ripples improve memory
53:30 | Up- and Down- States in Memory
54:53 | Multivariable Classifiers, Good Memory States
56:21 | Theta Phase Synchronization Is the Glue that Binds Human Associative Memory
56:25 | Network Coordination of Activity
57:48 | Matt makes a similar point here
59:06 | Medtronic Adaptive BCI
01:00:27 | Low acetylcholine during slow-wave sleep is critical for declarative memory consolidation
Mechanisms and plasticity of chemogenically induced interneuronal suppression of principal cells
1:02:52 | New Approaches For Enhancing Memory
1:06:03 | Boundary-anchored neural mechanisms of location-encoding for self and others
1:06:29 | See our Neurotech Pub episode on Dimensional Reduction for Large Datasets
1:11:15 | The Variability Puzzle in Human Memory
1:13:36 | Direct Brain Stimulation and Memory Performance in Humans
1:14:25 | Predicting Memory Function During Encoding and Retrieval
Interactions Between Episodic and Semantic Memory Systems
1:14:47 | Direct brain stimulation during episodic memory
1:17:48 | Closing the Research-Clinical Gap
1:17:50 | Jacob Robinson
1:19:16 | Theta Oscillations in the Human Medial Temporal Lobe during Real-World Ambulatory Movement
1:19:54 | Wireless Data Streaming from Adaptive DBS System
1:22:18 | More about Braingrade
1:24:04 | On single neurons vs LFP in Hippocampus
1:24:41 | Network Effect Studies [Toward a causal approach for the neural basis of memory]
1:26:55 | DBS and Memory Enhancement papers 1, 2, 3
1:27:59 | Responsive Neurostimulation for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
1:30:01 | Medtronic Percept
1:30:04 | Neuropace RNS
1:32:27 | Spike Phase Precession After Transient Intrahippocampal Perturbation
1:34:38 | Functional Neuromodulation ADvance II Study
1:34:58 | Dejan Markovic
1:35:01 | DARPA RAM Program Funds UCLA Team
1:37:05 | Balseal
1:37:50 | Neurotech Pub Episode 3: Connectors, Cans, and Coatings
1:40:43 | For some fun reading on memory as a skill, read “Moonwalking with Einstein“