Paradromics Featured on Loup Ventures’ Neurotech podcast

This episode explores brain-computer interfaces and Paradromics’ latest progress in developing the next generation of implants and BCI technology.
December 16, 2019

Paradromics was recently featured on Loup Ventures’ Neurotech podcast. Hosts and tech investors Doug Clinton and Avery Bedows led a roundtable discussion with Paradromics’ Head of Artificial Intelligence, Rob Edgington, along with key scientific advisors Vikash Gilja, Assistant Professor of Electrical and Computer Science Engineering at the University of California, San Diego, and Konrad Kording, Computational Neuroscience and Machine Learning Professor at the University of Pennsylvania. Among the topics discussed were brain-computer interfaces and Paradromics’ latest progress in developing the next generation of implants and BCI technology.

During the roundtable conversation, the group addressed several critical points in the current BCI debate. First, the distinction between neural engineering applications and basic neuroscience research. Second, the extent to which the brain’s functioning needs to be fully understood to deliver effective neurotech applications. And third, the importance of increasing data dimensionality and channel count to enable better neurotech solutions.

The Loup Venture Neurotech podcast explores emerging technological trends in neuroscience. Every month, Doug Clinton and Avery Bedows welcome a variety of researchers and entrepreneurs spearheading technological developments, as well as patients benefiting from neurotech advancements.

You can listen to the full podcast on Loup Venture’s website or on the Apple podcast app.

We’d love to hear your opinion: If you have comments, questions or queries, reach out to us on Twitter (@Paradromics) and on Facebook.

Featured in this podcast:

Robert Edgington, PhD

Vikash Gilja, PhD

Konrad Kording, PhD

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